Take advantage of the benefits of partnering with Team Up
We offer a variety of benefits for partner universities, including a cost-effective means of expanding outreach work, and volunteering and employability opportunities for students.
As a partner university, the benefits to you are:
1. Comprehensive reporting on the impact students are making on the programme
We monitor our impact closely through regular assessments and qualitative surveys of our pupils - data which we are able to provide as part of our partnership, and can make available to you for you to reproduce in your own reports or OFFA agreements.
2. Accredited training for students of our voluntary leadership programme
We offer an SSAT-accredited qualification recognising students for the leadership and teaching skills that they learn with us and apply throughout their tutoring.
3. Employer opportunities to enhance students’ graduate prospects
We partner with a range of leading organisations in education, law, finance and consultancy to provide exclusive employability opportunities, including masterclasses, mentoring, and fast-tracking to internships and even graduate positions.
How does partnership work?
What do we ask of partners?
Channels to reach students
To ensure as many students hear about opportunities to volunteer with us, we consult with partners to determine the best ways to reach prospective Team Up tutors at their institution.
As a small organisation, our delivery space is limited - provision of bookable university rooms will allow us to conduct interviews and run additional training and events, for tutors at your university.
Financial contribution
Our tutors provide their services for free because it forms part of their commitment to our Leadership Programme. There are, however, significant costs to running the programme and we do ask our schools, universities and corporate partners to contribute towards these - for universities, the contribution is highly negotiable and proportionate with the nature of the partnership. This helps to cover the costs of our training, staff, impact reporting, and marketing literature.
What have current partners said?
SOAS, University of London is the only university in Europe specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. We have chosen to work together with Team Up since 2012 in order to support an engaging and rigorous outreach programme which enables school pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to fulfil their academic potential. The programme also provides an opportunity for SOAS students to develop their employability skills in preparation for life as a graduate.
It is fantastic to be working together with Team Up in support of these aims, and we look forward to the partnership continuing to deliver results in the coming year.
Julien Boast, Progression Coordinator at SOAS, University of London
If you represent a university and you are interested in future partnership, please contact us on info@teamup.org.uk, and we will be back in touch within a week. For more information on the organisation, click here to view an organisational summary.