"I truly could not have asked for a better experience with Team Up"

"I truly could not have asked for a better experience with Team Up"

Sixth form tutor Najhae McLaughlin tells us about her experiences tutoring on the programme at Frances Bardsley Academy

on 3 September 2019


To put into words the impact Team Up has made on me in all honesty is difficult as, in the span of just two to three months, my eyes were opened to the power of human perception. In the beginning of my journey my thoughts consisted of a negative perception such as doubting my teaching abilities, wondering if students will like me, will they improve? The list goes on. Once we began with the first meeting, I remember one of my Programme Managers saying, “please don’t worry, as we are all still learning just as much as the students are learning on this journey”. All of a sudden, my nerves strayed, none of the negative thoughts mattered anymore. All that mattered is that I tried my best, which is better than not trying at all. Even if the students I taught did not understand content at first, it would get better: and it surely did!

Although we are not wizards, this experience taught me how much power we really do have as tutors. All it takes is just changing our perception into positivity, telling ourselves ‘we can do it’, ‘we will just be fine’ leading us into the right direction. Most importantly my Programme Managers acknowledged that there is never an end to learning no matter how old you get. Not only did I gain courage but it also reminded me that I am human at the end of the day and we will never know everything. With this in mind, overtime, teaching my students became so easy as the Programme Managers were present at every session, always there, reminding me weekly to not worry. In no time with the great help of my Programme Managers my negative perception completely changed into positivity and replaced with confidence. I truly could not have asked for a better experience with Team up... it was enough :)